In your expert opinion

We don’t mind tooting our own horn, but it’s so much more fun when someone else does it for you

Published in
3 min readJan 29, 2018


Here our advisors weigh in on what makes JET8 stand out from the ICO crowd.

Well hello, Mike Rich, Head of Sales & Partnerships at Fox Networks Group. First up, how does the J8T ICO differ from others, in your opinion?

“The beauty of Jet8’s market position, is that they are already trading a real, tangible currency that brands and consumers alike are seeing great value in.

With the asymmetry of information the internet provides, consumers are increasingly in control. This level of control applies as much to their relationships with brands as other aspects of their lives. With smart, well informed consumers, brands need to understand that their customers are looking for much greater transparency, in the value exchange of their relationship.

It’s no longer just about price point and product quality, brands need to actively demonstrate greater value in consumers lives to build loyalty. Jet8’s tokenized platform absolutely delivers on this philosophy, in a clear and meaningful fashion, which is why it will undoubtedly continue to grow in popularity.”

I couldn’t have said it better myself, thanks Mike!

Thanks for coming on board, Chris Foster, President at Y&R Asia and Founder of Foster Equity. What are your thoughts on JET8’s token launch?

“In the uncertain and ethereal world of crypto currencies, the Jet8 ICO offers the opportunity to back a strong company and idea with a long established tokenization mechanism.

The J8T token is a solid, real way to ensure you’re not missing out on the inevitability of the crypto currency wave that is bringing a sea-change to the entire financial industry and specifically to how we will participate in transactions in the future.

Brands must now incorporate the transaction as part of the equity building process. The J8T token has cracked the code on this as it not only closes the loop and activates brand equity in the form of fluidity of purchase, it puts the power of choice and advocacy back into the hands of the consumer. Brands that can embrace and harness the power of the entire ecosystem of brand equity driven to purchase will win the future.

Intimacy of connection and peer to peer recommendation is what every brand needs to be focused on to drive relevance in today’s digital reality. The more brands can deliver personalized experiences especially when it comes to the transaction, the larger community they will build. The Jet8 token takes this simple principle to the next level and therefore represents the most promising ICO I have ever come across.

An ICO underpinned by a real business with a real existing and viable currency trumps a well crafted white paper everyday of the week. The Jet8 ICO is not only filled with opportunity, it just makes sense in this highly confusing crypto currency world.”

Toot Toot. Beep Beep.

