JET8 Dev Update — July 18th, 2018

Development progress and product changes from JET8

Santi Corrales
2 min readJul 18, 2018


Apps as a Service

New publish flow

Due to planned deprecation of Open Graph on August 1st, we’ve updated all our apps with a new publish flow. This will make the apps Graph v3 compliant, and perhaps more importantly, will help users better understand how and when they publish on social networks. It will also allow them to have clearer feedback and more control on what they share, when and to whom.

When auser publishes a new post, it immediately goes through moderation. The post is then reviewed by our team, and the usergets a notificationletting them know it’s ready to publish to social networks. This second-long process ensures quality of content and safety on the platform.

Once approved, this newly approved post shows as pending to post on the user’s profile, to help keep track of what is pending.

Community App Store

Work on the Community App Store continues and the newly improved landing pages for apps will be available withinthe next days. We’re looking forward to being able to share the final version with you!

Team Growth

Development team growth continues as planned, adding Android, iOS & React Native developers & QA’s to our Barcelona office. We’re still hiring, so if you’re interested in a position in our Barcelona office, please check and drop us a line!

About us

For more information about JET8:

