Welcoming CAE Inc. to the JetBlue Technology Ventures family

Amy Burr
JetBlue Ventures’ Insights
2 min readNov 23, 2020

I’m excited to announce CAE Inc. as the third addition to our International Partnership Program! The program aims to bring together a range of travel and transportation providers interested in improving efficiencies in shared infrastructure and processes. Ultimately, this allows us to improve the end-to-end travel journey for customers around the world. CAE joins our existing partners Air New Zealand and Vantage Airport Group.

CAE is a Canadian manufacturer of simulation technologies and training services primarily for airlines, business aircraft operators, aircraft manufacturers, and defense customers. I spoke with Innovation and Partnerships Lead Stella Hughes about CAE’s goals in this first year of working together:

“We interface with 135,000 pilots each year who are asking for more simplified touchpoints across their training journey, while our operators are looking for a more integrated flight operations toolset. We’re looking for emerging technology that can help us connect the dots to innovate faster for these customers. We are very excited to be part of JTV’s program both for the exposure to startups and the ability to work with other trailblazers in the industry,” said Stella.

This collaboration allows us to apply our expertise in the business-to-business side of aviation to further CAE’s goals and provide value to its customers — of which JetBlue Airways is one. While the travel industry has traditionally been very segmented, partnerships like these allow innovation to happen on an unprecedented scale that wouldn’t have been possible in a silo.

If you’re interested in learning more about the International Partnership Program, please visit our website.



Amy Burr
JetBlue Ventures’ Insights

President, JetBlue Technology Ventures. Previously Virgin America.