I always liked traveling

Dennis Carlsson
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2 min readDec 2, 2017


But traveling has never really been an option for me though, financially speaking — until now.

I moved around quite a bit, never really stayed more than a year in each place since I was 19, and even before that I moved quite a lot more than any of my friends when I was younger.

This has conjured up a hunt for the “Home” that people talk about. A place, a feeling or something. It’s really hard to describe.

The place where I have found this is on the Internet and not in a physical place. But maybe, just maybe, it is out there so why not try?

I have been really interested in the Vandwelling and Tiny house movements that are mostly based in the US. I got a small van with a bed and traveled a bit in Sweden during summers.

But we have something winters over here and can’t really escape them. We also do not have the structure with laundromats, Walmart’s etc. that I’ve seen most vandwellers rely on.

There is another movement happening right now. They call themselves Digital Nomads. When you can do all your work from a laptop, why be bound to one place?

2018 is the year I will go out in the World (mostly Europe I think?) to see if I can find out or at least get a better grasp on “Home” and what it entails.

December 1st I move to Portugal, more specific Braga, for 3 months. From there I do not really know. There is dream locations such as USA, Japan and South Korea, but also London, Berlin and Amsterdam. Other than that there’s my colleagues hometowns.

That is one reason why Braga is my first city. Eduardo lives there so it will be a good point to start my trip in “easy-mode”.

I went there earlier this year to attend Mirror Conf where I got to know some people down there as a bonus.

Right now I am just excited for my journey and of course I will keep you updated here, writing about my journey and the cities I will live in.

