Get into the flow state

Aaron Meeran
Jetzy Travel Blog
Published in
3 min readDec 5, 2020

What you probably feel right now.

At this point in time a lot of you probably are wondering what it is you should be doing now. That is totally understandable, because going out is not really practical for most of us . For a lot of us there is not much to do besides going to work , going out with friends, and taking care of our pets. We like going out to the bar after a long week of our 9–5 job feeling like 24 hours a day. But now what? You can and probably shouldn’t go out because you risk your own health and everyone around you. People often say that you should find things to do to distract yourself. Sure that’s great but more importantly you should get yourself involved in an activity that fully engages you and requires a certain amount of creativity. There is just something about those activities that put you in a state of mind where you are fully immersed in that task and time just passes swiftly.

Flow state? What’s that?

A lot of people call that state where you are fully immersed in the task and where time moves so effortlessly the flow state. I don’t know how to describe it to you but it is one of the most beautiful feelings ever. At first when you approach a task that requires a lot of creativity it may seem boring and unrewarding, but then give it a few minutes and you will not want to stop doing it. It also makes your day that much better, because you remember that feeling and I can promise that you will constantly crave being in that state. So maybe you should get into this flow state and make your days that much more exciting. Also you will have something nice you created after you are in that state. A lot of these activities that put you in this state are creative activities and they are highly rewarding.

How to enter it

As mentioned earlier these kinds of activities should be ones that engage your creative senses. They can’t just be monotonous tasks. They should require a decent amount of brain power to do and a good amount of concentration. Examples would be writing a book , practicing an instrument, meditating, cooking and gardening.Try one of these if you are really bored and you will thank yourself for doing so. Apart from these types of activities being fun and engaging they really make you more interesting and really improve your mood. Maybe just maybe you need to one these activities after a heated debate or a miserable day at work. At first you may think that is the last thing you would ever want to do and would much rather have to sit on the couch and watch a show and then go to bed. While there is nothing wrong with that I can tell you it wont give you the same level of satisfaction as getting into the flow state. Whether you have an abundance of time right or very not much free time make flow state activities your best friend. They just make your days that much more fun ! Maybe you do already have a favorite state activity but want to find people with similar interests. Well then try Jezty
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