How cooking calmed me down during midterms.

Aaron Meeran
Jetzy Travel Blog
Published in
3 min readAug 30, 2020

It was midterms week and I was hit with assignments left and right. I thought about taking a nap. Then I realized…… oh crap I got something due at 11:59 pm. Sound familiar to you? I was stressed out beyond comprehension. So I thought how do I relieve this stress? I have already meditated today and I have already exercised. So now what? I thought to myself I am kinda hungry and I definitely don’t want to eat a 10th granola bar for the day. As an almost 20 year old at the time it was probably in my best interest to eat something more wholesome and nutritious. I then told myself “ fine I guess I will cook something real quick”. I open my cabinets and search the pantry and I then decided on a few vegetables, cheese and tortillas, but wait what I am supposed to do with all this? Do I look like a walking cookbook?! As soon as I was about to give up I had an idea. I’ll make a vegetarian quesadilla. Before I continued I looked for some seasonings for the vegetables, because the last thing I want after bombing my statistics final is a bland quesadilla. That would really kill the vibe. The spices I finally decided on were lemon pepper seasoning and some garlic jalapeno seasoning. After hearing that some of you are going to question my culinary abilities. To you I say don’t knock till you try it.

Time goes by and I cook the vegetables and then I proceed to season them. The feeling was something I really couldn’t describe it was a different level of satisfaction that I got. There was no other activity I could do at that time that I thought delivered that same feeling. After the vegetables were cooked it was time to toast the tortillas. I know some of you are going to say don’t use a pan toast them and just use toast them on an open flame. Well… too bad I used a pan. How else am I going to make a magnificent dish while not burning myself. Maybe I should have taken that risk…… I would have been able to get an excuse not to do my accounting exam and I could have used the time to study more. Just kidding people, don’t take that seriously. Back to the point about cooking, I encourage you all to try it out if you feel like you are really stressed and if you are hungry of course (well duh..). There is just something about making your own food that gives you a sense of accomplishment especially if it tastes good. Whether you have many dishes up your sleeve or you are the type of person who microwaves tea (shame on you) ,I encourage you to cook something when you are in times of trouble.

