How To Stay Safe While Traveling During COVID-19

Jetzy Travel Blog
Published in
4 min readAug 17, 2020

With the onset of COVID-19, perhaps those fun summer trips you had planned to visit Greece or the Caribbean have been halted. Though there is no arguing that it is a smart option to refrain from living it up in a new city this summer, that doesn’t mean there aren’t ways to travel during this unprecedented time while making sure you’re taking every precaution and remaining as safe as possible!

Have Fun In Nature

Museums and theme parks are hot tourists spots — and for good reason! However they’re enclosed spaces that encourage people to congregate closely which is the exact situation one would want to avoid when travelling this year. Spending your time outdoors in nature, such as at national parks or beaches, is a creative way to scratch that travel itch while making sure you’re maintaining a distance of six feet apart from others. Jetzy can be your best friend while exploring the great outdoors. Use the app to connect with others and get recommended the best nature walk to go on or the most relaxing beach to visit! Being out in nature is a perfect way to travel while maintaining safety precautions. Just make sure that during any of these travels, you’re visiting a state that has determined it is safe enough to travel there and make sure to wear your mask and stay socially distanced from the few others who are there.

Hit the Road

While airplanes are a preferred travel method for many (including myself!) due to their efficiency and convenience, during this time they can be pretty risky. People from all different states are ushered into the same enclosed space in the airport, and then sat next to each other for up to multiple hours on the plane! It’s not hard to see that being in an airport isn’t the smartest idea right now. However, airplanes don’t have to be the only method by which you travel. A road trip is a great solution for vacation transportation right now. Take this time to slow things down, be more mindful, and smell the roses as you roadtrip to your desired destination. Use Jetzy to explore the best sights to roadtrip through and get helpful advice from other Jetzy users on travel spots that are hidden gems or the greatest places to eat! As long as you’re traveling with those in your immediate household, a road trip is a safe, fun way to get from point A to point B, especially if you’re using Jetzy to enhance the experience.

Be Smart At Airports

Sometimes, airplane transportation is just unavoidable. Maybe you have to fly out to see a family member states away, or maybe your company is sending you on an important business trip across the country. If that’s the case, there are ways to be safe while visiting an airport, you just have to be cautious, aware, and, of course, use common sense! First, make sure you’re boarding a plane that is socially distanced. While one might assume that all airlines are making sure this is a priority, it’s a good idea to call ahead and check — better to be safe than sorry! Avoid touching things as much as you can while at the airport and on the plane, as well, and make sure you bring hand sanitizer with you to cleanse as soon as you do. Lastly (and perhaps most obviously), keep your mask on for the entire duration of the flight. Masks can be a little uncomfortable but they play an important role in keeping others safe!

Wherever you end up, stay safe and stay smart. Traveling and enriching oneself with new experiences is perhaps, one of the most fulfilling aspects of life! However, it is always important, and especially so during these times, to make sure that you’re traveling with caution. Maintain a social distance of six feet, wear your mask, and sanitize at every location. Oh, and don’t forget to take lots of pictures for Jetzy!

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Jetzy Travel Blog

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