Spend more time in nature ( while following social distancing)

This is probably you

Aaron Meeran
Jetzy Travel Blog
3 min readDec 5, 2020


In some parts of the world right now it is probably tempting to stay indoors as there is pretty much nothing to do otherwise. Malls, restaurants and bars may be closed right now. The second alternative these days seems to be spending hours on social media or binging an overrated netflix show. Don’t get me wrong watching netflix is a nice way to unwind and just chill out after a long day, but sometimes doing so can get quite repetitive and boring. I would say if the weather and the regulations allow for it, spend some time outside. It can be quite refreshing especially if you have not left your house for two weeks. You will feel at ease and forget about the stressful things that you have been dealing with. It is a very therapeutic feeling to be outdoors. You get to feel the breeze and you get to see what else goes on beyond your desk and laptop. Perhaps if you live in an area where wild life seems to flourish you may get to see creatures and how they live. While that may be a random yet obvious thing that is stated, it can be quite fascinating to see them go about their daily lives.

We get it you would rather stay indoors but how about an original date idea?

Maybe you aren’t an outdoors person but your significant other likes it and maybe you have run out of date ideas? Has a netflix show or ordering in got boring? ( I am gonna take a guess and say yes). Why not make a few snacks and get a bottle of wine and have a picnic outside? (Skip the wine part if you are not of the legal drinking age in your country) You will appreciate that change of pace and your significant other will also appreciate the effort you put in to trying to be romantic. Or what about those days where you and your friends play video games online all day ? Sure it’s fun and it feels good when you have the highest score, but i think it’s time to move around a little bit and give your eyes a break. It might also stop your xbox and playstation from overheating and you probably don’t want to spend hundreds of dollars to replace it only for it to happen again, because you didn’t take a break from it. So you can’t say spending time in nature isn’t worth it. Ohh and might I add if you game all day you probably need more sunlight…… Well I can go on and on about why we should spend time in nature. But wouldn’t it be easier to just do it and give it a try ? Now it’s time to turn off your video games, put on your outdoor clothes , grab some snacks and change things up!

