Turn off the auto Pilot Switch in your life.

Aaron Meeran
Jetzy Travel Blog
Published in
3 min readDec 5, 2020

The trap that most of us fall into

Let us face it a lot of us have a specific routine that we follow almost every single day with very little variation. While consistently following a routine is good ,it sometimes can feel quite robotic and it may require very little thought. Your day just seems like a repeat of the previous day and you get a sense of deja vous and think to yourself “this has happened before”. I say that’s not the case you just did the same thing you did yesterday and were not consciously doing anything most of the day. When I say this I am not trying to make you feel bad, because I am guilty of it myself. I tend to be on auto-pilot most of the time, but recently I have been making the effort not to live my life like that and I can tell you its way more fun. So maybe it is time to switch up the routine you have been sticking to 5 years of waking and brewing coffee right after a shower. How about going for a walk or a run when you wake up and do some meditation in the morning? The idea is your routine is less predictable. Not saying you have to run 10 k before work and meditate for 1 hour. Just stop switching off auto pilot. The first step to embarking in this journey is being honest with yourself and asking yourself what exactly is it that you don’t like about your routine and what are somethings you might enjoy doing.

What you were probably not thinking

One thing you probably never thought when you switch off the auto-pilot switch and change up your routine is you are likely to be in a better mood and that is what we all need right now. Because when you are in a better mood that means you are more productive at work and you will be more patient when your siblings borrow your stuff without asking. To me that sounds like a win win. Say your increased productivity at work leads to a promotion and then you are in an even better mood than you were before. See where I am going with this?

You feel like you have actually lived your life

The other thing that I also noticed is that the days don’t just end and you will feel as if you actually lived life in the day. You feel like you are actually doing this and things aren’t just automatically happening. In other words you are in control of what is happening! That my friend is one of the most blissful feelings you can ever experience in life. Now I just gave you the blueprint to having a more interesting day. Let us all embark on a journey of turning off the autopilot switch and let us be more present in our daily lives while doing interesting things!

