Ascended Master Godfre Ray King

Godfre Our Loved One — Ascended

Eduardo Ayres Soares
Wings of Light
Published in
2 min readApr 15, 2024


Godfree’, Our Loved One, Ascended —
Victorious forever Thou art,
Supreme in Thy Glorious Pow’r,
Yet never from us dost Thou part!
Stand here in our daily presence,
Blaze Thy Light — Thy Great Ecstasy,
Wield now Thy Cosmic Dominion,
Make us all Master — like Thee!

In Majesty so transcendent,
Thou dost dwell there in Peace above,
Perfecting our world forever,
Revealing Thy Great Cosmic Love;
Thy Mantle all bright and enfolding
Wraps us in Thy Substance of Light,
Clothes us in Thy Luminous Pres’nce,
Invincible unto Thy Height.

Master Thou art — all commanding,
“The Presence” — “The Glorious ‘I AM”—
Director of Cosmic Light Rays,
Great Lord of the Unfed Flame!
Oh, raise us to Thy Full Glory,
Ascended in Vict’ry and Light,
Filling earth with God’s Great Power
God’s Justice — God’s Freedom — God’s Might!

— Chanera

First printed in February 1940 in Volume Twelve, page 3 of The Voice of the I AM by Saint Germain Press.



Eduardo Ayres Soares
Wings of Light

A dedicated filmmaker, sometimes a teacher, but always a storyteller.