The Arrow of Flame

Eduardo Ayres Soares
Wings of Light


A Poem by Chanera

An Arrow of Flame from the Source of all Love,
Comes winging Its Way from Light’s Realms above!
Quiv’ring Its Light — so great is Its Pow’r
Speeding to earth in this blest Cosmic Hour,
Cleaving Its Way, through the clouds of our earth,
Blazing Its Fire for mankind’s rebirth
Raising us swiftly unto Love’s own Height.

An Arrow of Flame wings Its Way through the sky,
Flashing Its Call to the earth, you and I!
Going before us and showing the Way
Drawing again all who see by Its Light,
Raising, illuminating, freeing to-night
Those of the earth who adore the “I AM”
And to whose Hearts comes Its Message of Flame!

Originally published at The Voice of the I AM, Vol 3, No1, pg 4. March 1938.
Chanera is a pseudonym for Lotus Ray King.



Eduardo Ayres Soares
Wings of Light

A dedicated filmmaker, sometimes a teacher, but always a storyteller.