Thou Unfed Flame

Eduardo Ayres Soares
Wings of Light
2 min readApr 16, 2024


Oh Unfed Flame! of Life the Heart
Quivering, coursing through every part,
Flow on, expand, blaze from the Sun,
Thou Pure, All-radiant Shining One,
Thy Victory of Love’s Great Day,
Illumine earth! show men Thy Way!

Oh Unfed Flame! Oh Source of all,
Great God Supreme to Whom we call,
In chariots of Thy Living Fire
Thy Legions come, man to inspire.
Take up our call, like clarion bell,
Thy Truth to every ear now tell.

Oh Unfed Flame! Whose Altar bright
Burns with Thy Pure Quenchless Light,
Pour forth to earth Thy Great Love-Ray
And in They Mercy, let It stay
To bless each one—men, earth, and sea
Clothed with Thyself—at last all free.

Oh Unfed Flame! Life’s Temple true,
We draw our every breath from You,
And so do Suns and Stars in space
All gaze on Thee now, face to face.
So too do we by Thy Great Might
Call forth Thy Flame, reach Thy Great Height.

Oh Unfed Flame! to Thee all yield
And Thy Great Quenchless Light doth shield
Thy children all, who journey far,
For dwell Thou dost in every star.
Thy Light in all is Love’s own Grace
And Love can enter every place.

Oh Unfed Flame! God of the sky!
Thou Quenchless Light, All-seeing-eye,
All-pulsing Life, Great Cosmic Fire
Circling raising ever higher.
Into Thy Heart at will, we come,
God’s Own Eternal Temple-Home.

Oh Unfed Flame! all Source of Love
Through Angel Host around, above:
Drench earth with Thy Pure Quenchless Light,
Raise all upon Their Pinions bright,
Thou Great Eternal Unfed Flame—
At last! Thy Holy Self, I AM.

by Chanera

First printed in October 1936 in Volume Eight, page 1 of The Voice of the I AM by Saint Germain Press.



Eduardo Ayres Soares
Wings of Light

A dedicated filmmaker, sometimes a teacher, but always a storyteller.