
Gil Rifkin
Jewish Economic Forum
2 min readAug 31, 2020

By: Gilbert Rifkin

In a year full of tragedy and suffering there is finally some light. The United Arab Emirates and Israel signed a peace deal almost creating a full normalization of ties (no embassies will be established only consulates). For decades the two supposed enemies have been in secret discussions. Many factors have prevented delayed the consummation of this marriage i.e. Arab Spring but the deed is done. Today an El-Al flight carrying a delegation of Israelis and some Americans such as Jared Kushner took off from Tel-Aviv and safely flew over Saudi air space (low key big deal as well) and landed in the UAE.

This new relationship was brought about by economic and security factors. Both Israel, the UAE and the USA have an interest in coming together in military cooperation due to the shared Iranian threat. Maybe, it is true that the enemy of an enemy is your friend. Consequentially both the US and Israeli defense industries will benefit greatly from this deal.

Trade between the oil rich UAE with tech capital gone start-up nation Israel is bound to explode. Israel needs cheap oil and investors and the UAE is dying to get a hand into Israel R&D. All three actors involved in negotiations have large economic gains to be made as a result of the deal. Israeli weapons technology is now available for purchase by the UAE. Most of the weapons themselves will be built in the USA consequently infusing large sums of money into the American economy.

Tourism also will be a big addition to both the Israeli and UAE economy. With the first successful flight going from Israel to the UAE today citizens of both countries saw the ease and safety of the journey.

Two weeks ago history was made and today we saw the first fruits of that historic act. Peace for these countries opens the door for other Arab states to make a move towards peace. It protects Israel, the UAE and the West from the Iranian regime.

Great moment for history and a precedent for future!



Gil Rifkin
Jewish Economic Forum

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