WeWork CEO Adam Neumann Observes Shabbat to Keep His Ego in Check

Micol Debash
Jewish Economic Forum
1 min readJan 10, 2019

According to WeWork CEO Adam Neumann, observing Shabbat can keep his ego in check. That’s what he stated at the annual dinner of philanthropic organization the United Jewish Appeal (UJA) Federation in New York City. Neumann spoke about observing Shabbat and about his renewed attachment to the Jewish traditions.

“One day, I think it was somewhere around the $5 billion valuation, I was catching myself not being able to control my ego.” That’s when he went to his Rabbi who suggested he should start keeping Shabbat. He said the experience really helped him and he kept observing Shabbat since.

Observant Jews indeed do not work during Shabbat, between sunsets on Fridays and Saturdays. Work also includes writing, travelling, paying or buying something, and operating any type of machine.

Neumann grew up secular but is becoming more observant in his adult years.

In Israel, he said, being Jewish is obvious so people tend not to observe Judaism.

