Cantor: Trump Leads ‘Small Vocal Minority’

Jacob Kornbluh
Jewish Insider
Published in
2 min readOct 22, 2015

Donald Trump’s 32 percent share of support in the Republican presidential primary is the voice of a small vocal minority, former House Majority Leader Eric Cantor claimed in a recent interview with the BBC.

In an interview Stephen Sackur on BBC’s Hardtalk TV show, Cantor said, “I would not say Donald Trump is reflective of the Republican Party, he’s not a conservative. A lot of the Tea Party issues out there and the agenda that they are pursuing, they’re more populist radicals than they are conservatives.”

Cantor, who was defeated by a Tea Party candidate in his 2014 reelection bid, said that candidates like Trump and Fiorina are appealing to voters as outsiders who “have nothing to do” with what’s happening in DC and, therefore, can benefit from the anger against the establishment.

“He’s an unbelievable marketer, you know that. He’s a salesman. It’s what he does,” the Jewish former Congressman asserted. “But when you look at what he’s selling, you know it’s not going to happen. But people like to hear that. There’s no solution Donald Trump is offering. He’s just running as an aoutsider saying, ‘Hey, I have nothing to do with anything that’s going on today. I’m going to just be better.’ And he has no substance behind that claim.”

Explaining Trump’s lead vs. Jeb Bush’s low numbers, Cantor said: “What it says is there’s a small vocal minority.. We’re going through the early silly season still… This is the time when voters are angry, they are super angry.”

But Cantor predicted that Trump’s commanding lead would collapse going into 2016 as the early states start the voting process. “As we actually get closer to when people go in the first ballot booth -we are four months away from that happening- the voters do take it upon themselves, as a very solemn duty, and they begin to decide who’s they want to be president.”

Claiming Bush has a strong ground game in the early primary states, Cantor suggested that voters and pundits alike need to start getting serious about real leaders.



Jacob Kornbluh
Jewish Insider

Political correspondent, focusing mainly on Jewish angle in world of politics. Tips: RT's X endorsements.