Poll of Jewish New Yorkers: Hillary Leads, Rubio and Sanders Most Favorable

Jacob Kornbluh
Jewish Insider
Published in
1 min readFeb 9, 2016

Hillary Clinton has a comfortable lead over her rival Senator Bernie Sanders in the New York primary for the Democratic nomination in 2016, a new poll showed on Monday.

According to the Siena Research poll, Clinton leads Sanders 55 to 34 percent in a head-to-head matchup among Democratic voters in New York. The Brooklyn-born Jewish Senator trails Hillary by a 8 point margin among Jewish Democratic voters (41–33). 20 percent had no opinion.

Nonetheless, when it comes to favorability, Sanders has a 44/36 favorable/unfavorable ratings among Jewish New Yorkers. Hillary, an establishment favorite and better known to the Jewish community, has a 16-point negative rating (37/53 favorable/unfavorable).

Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio has the highest favorability out of all presidential hopefuls among Jewish voters. By a 47 to 34 percentage point margin, Jewish voters see Rubio as favorable, while 61 percent see Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump as unfavorable.

While New York would not even be in play in the general election, Rubio leads Hillary 46–42 among Jewish voters in the Empire State. Hillary leads Trump and Ted Cruz between 4 to 6 percent in hypothetical match-ups. In 2012, President Barack Obama beat Republican Mitt Romney among Jewish voters in New York by a 52–41 percentage point margin, according to the RJC’s exit poll.



Jacob Kornbluh
Jewish Insider

Political correspondent, focusing mainly on Jewish angle in world of politics. Tips: jacob@jacobkornbluh.com. RT's X endorsements.