“Golden Pineapple” Cannabis-Infused “Edible” ~ Zucchini Walnut Bread

Learn how to incorporate cannabis infusions into your cooking routine!

Jezebel Feast
Jezebel’s Feast


Photo ~ by Jezebel’s Feast

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I think most people are short-sighted when it comes to “edibles.”

In case you have no idea what I’m talking about, “edible(s)” is a word used to describe food that has been infused with THC, the compound in Marijuana that, once activated, gives you the feeling or sensation of being “high.”

I hate to say it, but I think we need to talk. No, I’m not telling you not to do drugs. I’m here to tell you that you’re doing it well… wrong.

Sometimes the truth hurts. I don’t want to name names… but there’s a whole lot of you out there that are not reaching your full potential with edibles when we could be going for (drum roll) the Gold(en Pineapple)!

Maybe you’re an OG making top-notch stove top cannabis butter on the regular at home. In which case, I admire your fortitude and patience, but I must divulge to you that there…



Jezebel Feast
Jezebel’s Feast

I quit my job to design & live a sustainable lifestyle. Would you like to join me? ➡️ Visit me at my new home www.jezebelsfeast.com … 🌈👣🗺🌎⏳🪐🌙 🚀