Chek List

Published in
3 min readApr 17, 2018


An App Concept

The Overview
The project assigned was to design a mobile app, which included three user personas, three wireframes and a mock up. I will discuss the process and the challenges that led to the final outcome. Then I will examine the effectiveness of the project and the results.

The Context and the Challenge
This project interested me because there are so many elements to it but not every one of them needed a lot of creativity; it required me to break down an app and think about the necessities. I found the most challenging part to be the final mock up because as I was building the wireframes I did not think about colour or creative elements which lead to the tedious task of choosing colours to see what worked and what did not.

The Process and Insight
The first step to creating this project was to develop an app concept. I chose a check list and calendar app because I have a hard time managing my time, events and projects. I did research and found similar apps, but none of them included a check list and a calendar. I also discussed this idea with peers and family members and came to the conclusion that this could be a successful and useful app. I then began with the wireframes and coming up elements that would be useful for this app. The user personas look at different, busy people who might need the app for different reasons.

The Solution
The main problem with competitor apps was that users could not use a check list and calendar in the same app. This can be an annoyance for some users who might have a problem with space on their phone. This app also allows users to share their check lists and calendars with other people which might be useful in a business or partnership situation.

The Results
I feel that the overall design was simple and effective. I had included all of the useful elements into an easy to navigate layout. In peer review, the app was found effective because it included elements that they would find useful in a check list and calendar app.

