Sarah Ellis
JHU New York Seminar 2018
3 min readMar 24, 2018


Goodbye NYC

What an experience! These past two weeks in NYC have been memorable, to say the least. I have enjoyed getting know everyone in our class and hope to see you all again one day (keep in touch!). The monuments, famous artwork, and landmarks I’ve seen over the past two weeks has been incredible and something I feel privileged to say I’ve seen. It’s so hard to put into words what I have taken away from this seminar…but I’ll try to sum up a couple points.

I learned that people, even strangers, are kinder than you may expect. While walking around the city in a boot has put a damper on things and I have not been able to see or do everything I had hoped to, it has truly changed my opinion about people in general. While I’ve always believed that the human race is genuinely good, it is easy to worry in today's socio-political climate and the kindness I have been shown by you all and the people of NY has given me hope for humanity.

As for the museum world…I have been inspired by many of the talks we heard. Overall though, it seems that if you work hard and keep at it, you can become part of the museum field and form a successful career. Every person has their own journey and no one in the field got there through a cookie cutter trajectory. Follow your own path!

Thanks David and Valerie for an amazing seminar!

Just a few photos…

