Santa Spotlight on Success: Celebrating Rebecca Mungai

Jia 🌍🌏🌎
3 min readDec 21, 2023

’Tis the season of giving, joy, and prosperity. This holiday season, we at Jia are excited to share a heartwarming story and celebrate the journey of Rebecca Mungai, a tireless entrepreneur who can teach us all a Christmas lesson in resilience.

We visited Rebecca at her bustling pharmacy in Katani, about 20km outside of Kenya’s capital Nairobi. Since she routinely spreads cheer throughout her community by keeping neighbors healthy with lifesaving medicines, we decided to bring some cheer to her business and waive the interest fee for her current loan, so she can spend more of her energy on growing her business and enjoying the holidays with her children.

Rebecca’s story began in the town of Garissa in northeastern Kenya, where she initially worked at a pharmacy earning a modest income of Ksh 2,000 per day. Seeking something more financially rewarding, she moved to Zimmerman, an area on the outskirts of Nairobi, where she found a job making Ksh 35,000 per month. It was a start, but didn’t provide her what she imagined entrepreneurship would.

Then, one day, a friend suggested they take a trip to Katani and consider that as a place to set up a business. Hesitant at first, considering the endless matatu stops and the seemingly unpromising environment, Rebecca took the plunge and opened a pharmacy with her savings of Ksh 200,000. Business started booming and she diversified, setting up a shoe stall outside her pharmacy, selling footwear to nearby churchgoers.

One day she saw a WhatsApp post from a friend, introducing her to Jia’s financial support. Skeptical yet hopeful, Rebecca took the leap. Fast forward, and she’s grown her limit with Jia to over Ksh 50,000 fueling her business with working capital.

During a recent visit to her shop, we were pleased to find Rebecca embracing the festive season, donning a Santa hat with an air of holiday cheer.

Rebecca’s success is a testament to the importance of seizing opportunities, navigating challenges with resilience, and adapting in ever-changing environments. From Garissa to Katani, she has exemplified a spirit of determination that resonates with the values we hold dear at Jia.

As we celebrate Rebecca’s accomplishments, we extend our warmest wishes to her and express our gratitude to the entire Jia community for contributing to stories of success like hers. May this festive season bring joy, prosperity, and continued growth to all.

Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year,

The Jia-raffes 🦒🦒🦒



Jia 🌍🌏🌎

Jia is expanding financial freedom around the globe. 🌍🌏🌎