Saint Paul de Vence

It is the color of love

nothing but beautiful
My Travels Blog
8 min readNov 24, 2015


“In our life there is a single color, as on an artist’s palette, which provides the meaning of life and art. It is the color of love.” — Marc Chagall who laid rest in this little village on March 28, 1985

Saint Paul de Vence is a charming hilltop fortified village filled with art galleries, boutiques and sidewalk cafes. Walking through its winding streets reveals elegant fountains, vine-covered stone walls and statues tucked into nooks in the walls. There are breathtaking views of mountains and sea. Even the ground below is attractive, as the cobblestones are laid into the shapes of flowers.

There is no train direct going to St. Paul. The only option for public transit is by bus. From Nice downtown you can take bus line 400, it is about an hour bus-ride.

A legendary square edged with century-old plane trees where the villagers like to gather. Yves Montand and Lino Ventura engaged in hotly disputed games of pétanque here. The Café de la Place stands on one side: its terrace is the perfect spot for enjoying the atmosphere. The famous Colombe d’Or is on the other: its regulars included the greatest artists of the 20th century: Matisse, Chagall, Picasso, Braque, Léger, Folon, etc.

The fortified village has its medieval fortress walls surrounding the city. The entrance was erected in the 1400s, and features a canon muzzle that was a trophy from the 1544 Battle of Cerisoles in Italy.

Modern Arts are presented everywhere, adding some modern atmosphere otherwise you would feel it is too much nostalgia of old time and history.

This intimidating, powerful, fortified gateway reminds us that Saint-Paul was a key border stronghold. Saint-Paul’s ramparts were constructed in the 16th century on the order of François I and have remained intact.

The entrance is also protected by a tower with machicolations from the 14th century — a vestige of medieval town walls.

We arrived here early, not many tourists yet. Sit at table here to sip coffee, enjoy nice morning view and smell fresh mountain air, we could not ask for more pleasures.

Walking around the rolling streets, paved with old and original cobble stones, the history is right under your feet.

Alps moutains not far from with very clear view under clear sky.

You may hear the pleasing chime of the bells as they continue to mark the pace of village life. That certainly adds some sense of history when you hear that bells and acts like a time machine remind you of past time, because nothing has changed for that.

This square is edged with monuments that are jewels in Saint-Paul’s historical crown: the keep of the former château now the “Mairie” (town hall) of Saint-Paul, the Church of the Conversion of Saint-Paul constructed between the 14th and 16thcenturies, plus the Folon chapel.

You can hardly take a few steps in Saint Paul without happening on an art gallery like this one.

Love this door so much, just itself is a formet of art impressing me so much.

I can keep walking here infinitely, just do not want to leave. My thoughts wander through the history by walking here. I am mesmerized.

This street is so narrow only one person can pass through

Located at the heart of the village, this was once the market square. Savour the cool air in the vaulted washhouse where washerwomen would come to rub and beat their washing.

Don’t be surprised if the sundials dotted around the village always say it’s time for a cooling break by the big fountain!

Everywhere you look at, it is picturesque! It is amazing!

Even cats are having good life here. They are beautiful and elegant creatures.

You can see both Alps mountains and the Mediterranean sea.

You can spot modern arts every where you look at.

Walking up and down over steep street whole day could be very tiresome. It’s time to relax and have a coffee and crepe.

And watching sunsetting over hills.

Sun is bidding farewell to the village by projecting its golden color over.

This is best moment in my life to spend one day here, my heart is singing with happiness!

