Visit Spain After Pandemic

nothing but beautiful

nothing but beautiful
My Travels Blog
14 min readAug 22, 2024


The global lockdown and restricted movement caused by the COVID-19 pandemic that began in early 2020 left those who love to travel and yearn for freedom feeling extremely repressed!

By early 2022, we finally saw a glimmer of hope. The virus itself is not terrifying; what is truly frightening is humanity’s ignorance and ineffective, excessive prevention measures, along with the arrogance that comes with them.

Taking advantage of the company’s participation in the MWC’22 exhibition in late February and early March, I traveled to Barcelona for the first time.

This capital of Catalonia boasts perfect beaches, world-famous tapas, and Gaudí’s works, making it a dream paradise on the Mediterranean.

Barcelona is located in the northeast of the Iberian Peninsula, bordering the Mediterranean Sea. It is the second largest city in Spain. Barcelona is a port city in Catalonia, a world-renowned Mediterranean scenic tourist destination and a world-famous historical and cultural city. Barcelona has a pleasant climate, beautiful scenery, and many historical sites. It is known as the “Pearl of the Iberian Peninsula” and is the most famous tourist destination in Spain, as well as in the World.

The Columbus Monument is a 60-meter-high monument in Barcelona, ​​Spain, dedicated to Christopher Columbus. It is located at the southeast end of Las Ramblas, on the spot where Columbus returned to Spain after his first voyage to the Americas. The monument is a reminder that Barcelona is the spot where Christopher Columbus reported to Isabella I and Ferdinand II after his most famous voyage.

The Cathedral of Santa Eularia des Riu is a Gothic architecture in the Gothic Quarter of Barcelona. It is the cathedral of the Catholic Archdiocese of Barcelona. The cathedral was built between the 13th and 15th centuries, with the main works completed in the 14th century. The cloister surrounding the Goose Well was completed in 1450. The neo-Gothic facade was built in the 19th century.

The alley nearby has a nostalgic atmosphere at night.

The Four Cats is a café in Barcelona, ​​located in the Casa Martí at 3 Montsió Street (Carrer Montsió) in the old town of Barcelona. It was designed by architect Josep Puig i Cadafalch in 1895 and opened on June 12, 1897. It also serves as a hotel, nightclub, bar and restaurant. The Four Cats was one of the main centers of the Modernist movement in Barcelona.

Drink a cup of coffee here and recall the time when a group of young artists like Picasso were brewing a cultural innovation right here

There is also a Picasso Museum nearby. There are four in the world, one in Paris, one in Antibes in southern France which I visited in 2015, and one in Malaga, Spain, where Picasso was born. So when you come to Barcelona, ​​you must visit this museum.

Barcelona is where Picasso made his debut as a young artist. The museum mainly collects Picasso’s early works done in Barcelona.

Street musicians perform freely and spontaneously.

A unique Japanese bookstore quite stood out in west.

The streets are full of these classical buildings that make me stop and admire them

How elegant they are

The Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau is a group of buildings built between 1901 and 1930 to a design by Catalan modernist architect Lluís Domènech i Montaner.

Although the current building of St. Paul’s Hospital was constructed in the 20th century, the hospital was founded in 1401 by the merger of six smaller medieval hospitals and was called the Holy Cross Hospital.

Together with the Palau de la Música Catalana, it is listed as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.

Very unique design it was first time encountering for me

Until June 2009, it was used entirely as a hospital. It is currently being transformed into a museum and cultural centre. It now houses the Art School (Escola Massana) and the Catalan Library (Biblioteca de Catalunya).

What is truly valuable and unique about Barcelona is the work of Antoni Gaudí.

Casa Batlló is a building renovated by architects Gaudí and Josep Maria Jujol. It is famous for its strange shape. The house has been built for more than 100 years and has undergone many renovations. After the renovation, Casa Batlló completely presents a Gaudí-style magical color of nature. The interior design of the house follows Gaudí’s consistent style, with no edges and corners, and all soft wavy shapes. These colored glasses are colorful because of the sunlight, but when you walk through the porch to the other end and look up, you will find that they are very ordinary, just sparse and ordinary materials.

Under night lights, these waving shapes seemed to come to dance, full of dynamic and energetic

Gaudí’s stunning and famous works, such as the Sagrada Familia, are instantly recognizable and a must-see attraction for millions of tourists from the world.

La Sagrada Familia is arguably Antoni Gaudi’s most famous work.

The Sagrada Familia is located in the center of Barcelona. Construction began in 1882 and is still underway. Officials estimate that it will be completed in 2050.

Since it is an unfinished building, it’s inevitable that cranes are visible in the photos while they are at work.

La Sagrada Família is the greatest “unfinished building” in history, a cathedral that has been under construction for 128 years and has not been completed, but it has attracted the admiration of people all over the world and has become a pilgrimage site for architects. Gaudi’s La Sagrada Família is a myth. Gaudi said, “My client (God) is not in a hurry.” The ultimate and perfect imagination he pursued destined it to be not an ordinary church from the day the drawings were completed!

Inside the church, it is magnificent and grandeur as well

Admire the intricate details of the cathedral’s four facades, decorated with carved figures and biblical scenes

It features vaulted ceilings and prismatic stained-glass windows.

Park Güell is famous for its multi-colored mosaic icons, it is a work of architect Gaudi. It is actually a failed real estate project that was originally planned to be built into a residential area, but failed to attract buyers.

In this fairy-tale park that seems to be created for children, the most attractive thing is naturally the large platform overlooking the Mediterranean Sea. The circle of seats around the platform are paved with colorful broken tiles, creating a charming color effect. The hall full of pillars under the platform is like a forest, and you can see various stars by looking up.

The most popular photo-taking object in the park is the “dragon” that spits water at the entrance of the park (many people think it is a lizard). If you haven’t taken a photo with it, you would be embarrassed to say that you have been to Park Güell. The architecture of the entire park inherits Gaudi’s consistent style, and all design elements come from nature. The most beautiful moment is when the sun sets, watching the sun gild the entire city and the sea in a warm golden color.

Next stop is to take the train to Madrid

View of Madrid from the top of the hill

The Royal Palace of Madrid (Palacio Real de Madrid) is the third largest royal palace in Europe after the Palace of Versailles and the Schönbrunn Palace in Vienna.

The Royal Palace of Madrid was built in 1738 and took 26 years to complete. It is one of the best-preserved and most exquisite palaces in the world. The exterior of the palace is a square structure and is magnificent. The palace houses countless gold and silver utensils, paintings, porcelain, tapestries and other royal supplies.

The Royal Palace of Madrid is a representative cultural relic of the Bourbon Empire and one of the best royal palaces in Europe. The palace has been turned into a museum for visitors to visit.

Plaza Mayor is the most visited square in Madrid (17th century) with the statue of Philip III on horseback and iconic buildings such as Casa de la Panadería and Casa de la Carnicería. Built in the 18th century by order of Philip V, the square is surrounded by Baroque buildings, including the Town Hall and the Church of San Martín. All festivals and religious ceremonies of the city are held here.

You can get lost in the arcades surrounding the square, which is home to many classic restaurants and traditional century-old shops.

Spring is coming, cherry blossoms predict

Retiro Park (Spanish: Parque del Retiro) is the largest park in the center of Madrid, the capital of Spain. It was originally a palace built by the Spanish royal family in the 16th century, and was converted into a park and opened to the public in the 19th century.

The Retiro Park covers an area of ​​1.4 km² and is located on the eastern edge of the city center, next to the Puerta de Alcalá and close to the Prado Museum. The park is filled with beautiful sculptures and monuments, promenades, a peaceful lake, a rose garden, and a crystal palace.

When you are in Madrid, you must visit several famous attractions nearby for a day trip

Toledo is a famous historical city in Europe. It was occupied by the Romans in 192 BC. In 527 AD, the Visigoths ruled Spain and established their capital here. It was conquered by the Moors in 711 AD. In 1085, King Alfonso VI of Castile recaptured the city and it became the capital of the Kingdom of Castile and the religious center of the country. In 1561, Philip II moved the capital to Madrid, and Toledo declined since then, but its religious status remained the same, and it is still the seat of the Spanish cardinal.

Segovia is the capital of Segovia Province in the Autonomous Region of Castile and León. It is located north of the capital Madrid and can be reached by high-speed train in 35 minutes.

Alcázar de Segovia is a uniquely shaped stone castle, which is said to be the prototype of Disney’s Snow White’s castle!

The Alcazar of Segovia is located on a hill more than 80 meters above the river valley at the west end of the ancient city, with a commanding presence. The Alcazar of Segovia began to take shape during the Arab rule, and the successive kings who lived here rebuilt or expanded it many times. The Disney fairy tale movie “Snow White” used this castle as the stage background, making it well-known to audiences all over the world. There are rooms such as the throne room and the king’s room in the castle, and you can also see portraits of 52 kings of Castile.

Its old town and aqueduct are listed as UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

The Roman Aqueduct is actually an elevated aqueduct built to bring water from 18 kilometers away to the city. To this end, the Romans dug a long canal with a very small slope and built the Aqueduct. The Aqueduct is 728 meters long and supported by 120 granite columns. There is an arch between the columns. The highest point of the aqueduct is 29 meters above the ground.

The entire aqueduct was built with more than 20,000 tons of granite, which shows the architectural level of the Romans. For 2,000 years, the sweet water of the aqueduct has nourished the city and made Segovia prosperous. To this day, the aqueduct is still intact and can still be used.

The entire old town of Segovia is surrounded by city walls. The streets are paved with stones or bricks, winding, narrow and deep. The antique buildings are all cultural relics.

The cathedral is the last Gothic building in Spain. The towering main tower is surrounded by many small spires and is so noble that it is known as the “Lady of Spanish Churches”.

When you come to Spain, you must try its world-famous paella

The vegetables in Spain seem to have souls, they are very fresh and delicious

My favorite is the Spanish 100% acorn-fed black pig ham. I often buy it as a snack and never get tired of it.

This trip to Spain was a personal experience in overcoming the fear of the virus. Being able to travel again and see the world filled my heart with immense joy.

Updated on 2023–02–25

