Ridge Racer Type 4 Remake?

Ace Combat 7 director polls fans on Twitter about which entry in the Ridge Racer series they’d like to see a remake for

Leonardo Ito
Leonardo Ito


Earlier this week, Ace Combat 7 Game Director Kazutori Kono polled fans on Twitter about which entry in the Ridge Racer series they would like to see a remake for.

Among the choices, there were the first Ridge Racer, Ridge Racer Type 4, Ridge Racer 7 or a special version of Ridge Racer that apparently would include real world cars.

The 12 year old in me got pretty excited at the possibility of seeing a remake for Ridge Racer Type 4, my personal favorite in the series. I remember back in the day when the first thing I’d do after getting home from school was firing up my PlayStation and playing this game all afternoon.

I can’t tell what exactly sets Type 4 apart from the other games in the series, but I guess it’s a mix of nostalgia and focus on the racing itself, rather than timing your nitros right as they had in later entries. That’s not to say I don’t like the most recent games. Quite the contrary, I love every single one of them, but Type 4 has a special place in my heart.

If you’ve ever been to Tokyo, you’ll most certainly recognize the scenery

I also remember a time where I used to daydream about visiting Japan and even though I was too young to understand that many of the tracks in the game were actually inspired by Japanese landscapes and cityscapes, racing them always gave me that futuristic feeling I often associated with Japan. Couple it with one of the best soundtracks I’ve ever listened to in a game and you have a masterpiece to be remembered.

I’m loving all this racing genre revival in the current generation and I can’t wait to see what they have in store for the future.

And as far as my wishlist goes, if the Ridge Racer Type 4 Remake ever becomes a reality, all that’s left is the revival of the Project Gotham Racing series.

I’ll have my fingers crossed.



Leonardo Ito
Leonardo Ito

Comic book colorist, crazy about racing games and Japanese culture lover. Also, currently in love with otters. www.leonardoito.com