Jigstack Changes and Roadmap for Q1 2022 (and more)

Jigstack contributor
Published in
5 min readJan 24, 2022

What is Jigstack?

Jigstack is a decentralized finance (DeFi) platform that provides various DeFi products to the crypto community on the Ethereum blockchain. The platform operates via a governance model known as a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO), ensuring a safe, simple, robust, and democratic experience for all users and participants. Generally, the DAO works to provide uniformity in the otherwise disjointed DeFi sector and assures that all Jigstack platform products meet the community’s required standards.

Jigstack in 2021

The Jigstack development team had a fantastic 2021 as it hit several milestones. Firstly, Jigstack’s Lemonade — a decentralized token launch platform for cost-effective and safe transactions — launched three successful IDOs (initial DEX offerings). We also bagged several other notable achievements, including launching four DeFi products and Gallery, a premium NFT platform. In addition to all these accomplishments, the number of users earning STAK and jSTAK by staking on Stakbank is increasing, with current figures sitting in the thousands. Apart from staking rewards, we also launched the JWallet gifting solution over the holiday season.

Essentially, we have built and established a proper foundation for the Jigstack ecosystem. However, we also had quite a few hiccups last year that caused us to pause and take a retrospective look at things. Here are the challenges we faced and a few corresponding solutions.


  • Rushing work: Trying to deliver all the aspects we set out to in a short time was probably not the best approach. While we are happy that we checked more than a few things off our list, we created too many challenges regarding processes, overall approach, and adequately managing resources to meet said goals. In hindsight, we were a little too ambitious in the time frame we established.
  • Announcing specific release dates: Setting seemingly unrealistic dates to launch features and products was another major challenge. After April 2021’s IDO, we wanted to keep up with the momentum we started with and continue with that energy. However, as anyone in the tech space knows, especially the blockchain space, this is not always feasible. This eventually caused quite a bit of frustration and dissatisfaction for the Jigstack team and community at large.
  • Development estimates: The specific release dates also cut down the amount of deep work generally required for development estimates. Taking more time might have helped us hit these milestones more effectively and adequately prepare for several factors out of our control, including high gas fees.


  • Slow and steady wins the race: The first thing we have decided to do is to slow down and concentrate on what we want to accomplish in a realistic manner. Jigstack will now focus on building high-quality products with attention paid to quality and not quantity. Instead of chasing perfection, we will concentrate on progress, properly optimize all our features before release, and slowly roll out products.
  • No more set dates: There will be no more big announcements for release dates. The Jigstack community can rest assured that we will do everything to ensure that we release products timely; however, we will work with internal dates to reduce the pressure of a public launch date. Jigstack will only announce releases after the necessary audits and approvals have been finalized.
  • Deep work on development estimates: There are significant requirements to developing great software, including proper brainstorming and deep engagement. For the right product at the right time, the team needs to concentrate and make substantial progress on the bedrock of our outset goals before suggesting any estimates.
  • Optimized development process: We will focus on optimizing the Agile Scrum methodology as our primary approach to software development. In layman’s terms, this means more ownership, proactivity, and accountability from each team member. In addition to this, we automated a lot of the tools used in developing software to create a more optimized process.
  • Community alignment: Jigstack is making sure that we align our processes and resources with our community’s wants and needs. Firstly, our development team will spend one hour a day addressing issues raised by community members. We will also use a Discord bot to manage these issues and regularly communicate issue status.

Jigstack in 2022

We want to spend most of our 2022 improving product utilization and increasing user adoption. In Q1, Jigstack will focus on fusing Stakbank with Polygon, and then do the same for Lemonade upon completion. Furthermore, there will be a jStak section in Stakbank for earning specifics, and an automatic compounding feature to boot.


  • Stakbank: Polygon integration
  • Lemonade: Polygon integration
  • Stakbank: jSTAK dashboard
  • Stakbank: Auto-compounding

Q2 will focus considerably on JWallet, as we want it to be the Jigstack ecosystem’s engine room. However, we will still continue working on the decentralization and automation of Lemonade on the side. In the last two quarters, we will focus on Milkshake and Ethlink and release MVP versions of both. Although no specifics are currently available, we will publicize information as soon as we decide on details.

We look forward to continuing to build out the Jigstack ecosystem and community as we dive deeper into 2022.

AMA with Aidan (Jigstack CTO) — recording

Stay Tuned:

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Jigstack contributor

Jigstack offers a suite of valuable flagship DeFi products governed as a single DAO positioning the platform to be the DAO of DeFi.