Fair and Lovely

Jihan Donawa
Jihan Alexis
Published in
4 min readJul 29, 2016

The California Mid-State Fair is a huge deal here, and thanks to Travis’ job, we were able to score tickets to one of the concerts being held during the two week run. Travis sent me a screenshot of the show options and asked which I was interested in.

The only definite answer here is Extreme Team Rodeo

Fergie is cool, but hard pass. There’s Duran Duran (no explanation needed). Someone doesn’t like country, so Tim McGraw was out. I don’t know the other words.

Turns out, like with most questions asked of me, Travis gives me the answer. He chose Don Henley and then informed me that Don is the founding member of The Eagles. The Eagles I appreciate. I immediately looked up his set list and confirmed that he does perform Hotel California so how can you pass that up?

Paso Robles, home of the mid-state fair, is located about 30 minutes from our apartment. For a Tuesday and 103 degrees, the place was packed. Even though I live for a theme, I did not wear the official unofficial fair uniform of flannel shirt (better if tied around your waist), jean shorts or bedazzled jeans, and cowboy boots. I went for the simple romper, and Travis’ media pass to zhoosh (correct spelling, btw) it up a bit.

Mini vineyard in the middle of the fair. Wine, everywhere. Also, I forgot the ol’ adage about rompers. They are super cute until you’re in the bathroom, completely naked.

Travis did a great front page article on fair food last week so he already vetted everything for me. Such a great boyfriend, I know. Surprisingly, for everyone who knows me, I passed on the footlong, bacon wrapped hot dog and went for a fried chicken sandwich. *wide eyed, brace face emoji

So many animals, even more poop

Curry goat anyone?
The 4H kids made up the best names for the animals. Favorites include “Emperor Pigatine aka Floppy” and “Chris P. Bacon”
Call me back when it’s dry aged for 28 days, bone-in ribeye preferably

Pink Champagne on Ice

The Don Henley concert was great. He did a mix of past hits and ballads from his current album. The crowd reacted a lot more positively to the old stuff, though. Things like that make me cringe inside. Like they were saying “Who cares about you trying to reinvent yourself! Give us 1982!” It was truly awesome to hear Hotel California while in California.

Just a snippet. I’m trying this new thing called watch the concert with your eyes. Revolutionary.

Rides and Games

We forewent the games and rides. I’m sure plenty of safety measures are put into place, but some of that stuff just looks too sketch to me. The only ride I used to like was the Gravitron and even back then I was too afraid to actually take advantage of the centrifugal force and move around. Travis wrote another cover page story about how the fair games are “un-fair”. *rimshot! applause!* Ladies and gentlemen — the love my life.

I remember years ago when my dad took us to the fair and we would play the game that required you to throw ping pong balls into little fish bowls to win a goldfish. Goldfish that would die the next day. I’m not a PETA loving tree-hugger (as I pointed out that I would be excited for cattle to turn into a bone-in ribeye) but poor goldfish. Also, it would have been cheaper and quicker to just buy them at the nearest superstore.

Just looks sketchy. There’s no real safety net.

We head back July 31 for Extreme Team Rodeo and I still won’t wear cowboy boots, but I will try the footlong, bacon wrapped hot dog.

