What Could Be Elon Musk’s Agenda for His Jerusalem Visit?

My Two Cents | Jijo Johny
Jijo, The Observer
Published in
3 min readNov 27, 2023

Sometimes, I think people overreact when their idols or favourite celebrities act in ways they don’t approve of. Suddenly, these stars become unfavourable, and fans start saying silly things about them.

Elon Musk has been in that spot more than once.

He was recently criticised for liking an antisemitic post on X, leading many big brands to withdraw their advertising from the platform.

Musk’s defence was that he found the post an ‘interesting observation.’

If he really meant that, then perhaps we can’t entirely blame him. We all find humour or intelligence in something, despite its potentially harmful content!

Whether many like him or not, I appreciate seeing billionaires involved in social issues and having strong opinions about what affects the common man.

Politics is definitely such a concern.

However, what we expect is that they will do good, whether ‘doing good’ is a matter of their consciousness.

A lot of issues remain unsolved because we don’t talk about them enough. Don’t you think?

I had hoped Musk’s support of such a post would urge governments to address the intensity of hate and misinformation on social media.

Yet, many were quick to point fingers at Musk, labelling him as bad.

We often point fingers, expending less energy on devising solutions to prevent future occurrences. This is a common practice that we all engage in, almost reflexively, in our daily lives.

I have friends with their own biases, but I still interact with them. Overreacting and cutting ties over differing views would be silly!

Now, portrayed as an antisemite overnight, Musk faces significant losses, and there’s news of him visiting a conflict zone in Israel and meeting with families held hostage in Gaza.

What does all this mean? Are we too quick to judge, or is there more to the story?

Sometimes, I think we all expect a lot from billionaires, wanting them to behave in a way that appeals to us personally.

I’m not an Elon fanboy, but I certainly watch him with interest!

I’m eagerly awaiting all the conspiracy theories this will ignite! 🛸

#ElonMusk #JerusalemVisit #IsraelGaza”



My Two Cents | Jijo Johny
Jijo, The Observer

I’m Jijo, a start-up founder with a vision of improving the quality of human life. Being a proud father & husband, I’m here to impart My Two Cents to the world.