Full-stack Technology Leader

Jim Allen
Jim Allen’s Musings
2 min readJan 18, 2021

I came to technology late. My first real attempt at programming anything was from an HTML for Dummies book. I still remember the feeling of seeing my “Hello World” render in my browser. That feeling is still there every time something works the way it should, or a problem is solved. It’s one of the reasons I love my job.

Watching people I work with grow, I am fascinated with helping people unlock their potential. It sounds altruistic, but it’s really selfish. I get the same feeling of excitement from seeing someone achieve something that I have helped play even a small part in. This is the same spark I had when rendering that first “Hello World” in the browser.

I’ve felt the pressure to pick a track in my career. Either you manage people, or you’re an individual contributor. Why? I reject the notion that I have to choose. This might be career-limiting, I am okay with that.

Full-stack developers are proficient frontend, backend, and database developers. They are often stronger in one area, but they can work at all levels in the stack.

Full-stack technology leaders are also proficient on three levels: business, people, and technology. The same rules apply. Many are stronger in one or two areas but must contribute in all areas.

Where do I fit in? If I had to rate my abilities comparatively, my best strength is people management. Like most engineers, I enjoy deeply understanding a problem and creating a solution. Business is the area where I'm weakest. I’ve thought many times of going back to school for an MBA, but finding time and energy is challenging. Continuous growth in these areas requires consistent study and research. It also includes sometimes asking dumb questions. I’m okay with that.

Once you reach a specific role in an organization (and 100% depending on the size), the details start to get somewhat fuzzy. Staying on top of the changes in even a small system becomes complicated. It’s impossible in large systems.

To use an engineering term, the key is abstractions. Of course, I’m not going to know the specifics of how all things work. As a Director or Head of Engineering level, I want to explain how the system I own interacts with other systems.

Building cool shit is the reason I started down this path. I still get that spark of excitement when things work or when I see personal growth in myself or others. When that excitement is no longer there, I will hang up my keyboard. Luckily today, I get to experience it again.

