You’re late.

Jim Allen
Jim Allen’s Musings
1 min readJan 11, 2021

My goal for 2021 is to improve my writing. An hour each day, I am focused on writing. The benefits are easy. Being better at writing makes most communication better. The clarity that comes with writing down an idea is great. The way I challenge each thought and sentence requires introspection that doesn't happen when simply thinking or talking about the subject.

Why then is it so hard to want to do it? Like working out, I really enjoy it once I start, but getting started is hard. I missed my first self-imposed deadline. Sure there are excuses. But why?

“Perfect is the enemy of progress.” -Winston Churchill.

My need to have a perfectly thought out idea and research is holding me back. It’s a form of impostor syndrome. The folks that work with me get this speech all the time from me about impostor syndrome. Someone said to me once: if you have impostor syndrome, you cannot be an impostor.

Here’s to 2021, here’s to goals and the strength to let go of perfection. I’ll hit publish (after I re-read this 10 times).

