Make Code Reviews A Little Bit Better With Automation

Jimmy Farillo
4 min readFeb 3, 2017


As a software developer on a team that includes other software developers, code reviews are an important part of the job. It is probably the one duty of my job that I can expect to do every single day. Why? What is the purpose of code reviews? Well, code reviews have several purposes. They:

  1. Help ensure that new code is comprised of sound logic.
  2. Help ensure that new features follow the specifications.
  3. Help ensure that new code conforms to the agreed upon code style (if your company/team doesn’t have a code style guide, you should consider adopting one).
  4. Act as announcements of new code and features to the other team members / maintainers of the code base.
  5. Share knowledge of best practices amongst the team.

When a team of people is working and collaborating together in one code base, code reviews are a great tool for keeping everyone in sync.

However, it is not uncommon for a developer to dread the task of reviewing a team member’s code. Especially when the pull request is lengthy. I am definitely guilty of avoiding reviewing a large PR for an entire day, having it constantly in the back of my head that I’ll eventually have to “suffer” through the process of going through the proposed code line-by-line, looking for errors and optimizations.

And then at some point last year the title of an episode of the Ruby Rogues podcast caught my attention: “Automating Code Reviews with Mindaugas Mozūras”. In the episode, they discuss pronto, a Ruby gem that can be used in conjunction with various runners to automate parts of your code review process. It even works seamlessly with GitHub and can be configured to automatically add review comments to new PRs. The best part is that it only looks at the code diff and only adds review comments on lines of code that were changed. And this was me:


Very soon after listening to that episode I proposed adding the gem to the main application that my team works on.

I decided to only use the rubocop runner, since my goal was to only automate the “conforms to the agreed upon code style” purpose of code reviews. The setup was really simple, and I even created a separate account to be the pronto commenter. It is aptly named prontosaurus, thanks to one of my friends at work. The pronto gem runs during the CI build when a PR is opened or pushed to.

There was some initial tweaking that needed to be done once everything was set up, such as enabling/disabling certain warnings based on my team’s code style preferences. Even now, prontosaurus will sometimes leave comments that we outright ignore because we don’t agree with the style being enforced… and I should probably open a PR to make those changes…

But overall I think prontosaurus has been a positive addition to our code review process. We view his/her comments as suggestions rather than as strict rules that will prevent us from merging a PR.

The advantages of using pronto:

  • Reviewers can focus on looking at the code at a higher level while leaving code style to prontosaurus.
  • When a bot tells you about little mistakes you made, you feel less ashamed than if it were an actual member of your team.
  • Learning new code style best practices. There have been several times when prontosaurus has commented on my code with some method or coding style that I have not heard of. The more you know!
  • A cute little dinosaur comments on your PRs!

The disadvantages of using pronto:

  • Will most likely require several rounds of tweaking based on your team’s preferences.
  • Sometimes not suitable for very large code changes. For example, when doing a find/replace PR, it can touch many many lines of legacy code. The pronto bot may have some not very nice things to say about the code style of that code, but it may not be the appropriate time to address those comments.

One extra little config that I added was the ability to turn off prontosaurus’s comments by simply adding a “No Pronto” label to the PR. This alleviates the issue of prontosaurus going on a rampage for large PRs.

If you are interested in implementing the pronto gem for your application, I recommend listening to “Automating Code Reviews with Mindaugas Mozūras” and checking out the pronto GitHub repo.

