Jimmy Slagle’s Journey
3 min readSep 21, 2020


Gap year szn Week ✌🏼

It’s been awesome. Like, I can’t really describe the feeling. Every class and video that I watch, I enjoy it.

And if I don’t enjoy it? I just skip it and go to the next video. Simple.

See one of my favorite things about my gap semester curriculum has been the freedom. I get to learn what I want. This is where higher education really sucks.

Back in the day, generals were important because the only way to learn was by reading encyclopedias (I think?) or by learning from other people.

Now? Well, Google changed all that. We can learn anything from anyone. For free in most cases too. The amount of information is endless — we just need to find the information we care about.

College has it wrong by forcing students to learn topics. I’m sorry but I really don’t care about, Intro to Weather and Climate. I couldn’t tell you one thing that I learned. All I wanted was an A.

And this is exactly how other students feel too.

A college may not have a professor that is knowledgeable in that topic, but how about using technology to help teach that class?

Ugh. The frustrations of higher education.

And like I’ve mentioned before, I hate people who are all talk. I want to see people walk the talk.

Sooooo, the first ten people who reach out to me, I’ll create them a course on any topic they are passionate about in business. It won’t literally be me, but I’ll find the courses, videos, and mentors that will help you.

If you want to learn for 2 weeks, fine. 2 months? Sure. 10 years? LFG! I got you.

The moment you become excited to learn the moment your life will change forever. Just find those topics you’re passionate about. Stocks, cooking, video games, personal finance, marketing, psychology, etc. If you enjoy it, learn about it.

Hit me up to learn more. Oh and it’s free. #screwyoucollege— 701–306–5955

ANYWAYS, now to what I have learned this past week:

Effective and Authentic Communication — Robin Roberts:

  • Holy cow she has a cool story. Highly recommend this one to learn about empathy and having genuine conversations with people. This keeps you invested the whole time.
  • When tragedy happens, think about why it was put in your path and how you can make the most of the situation.
  • Vulnerability is a strength. The biggest sign of strength.
  • Be in the moment & the present.
  • When giving a presentation for public speaking, know your audience inside and out. When you know your audience, you’ll feel more prepared. Pull from personal stories too, people love that.
  • Don’t write out a full speech. Write bullet points to cover the main topics, but keep it authentic from there.
  • When interviewing for a job, come with ideas. Be creative with those ideas. Show you are looking to be of value immediately.
  • Take the extra time to standout.
  • Optimism is a muscle that can get stronger. The more you use it, the bigger it will become.

Advertising and Creativity — Jeff Goodby and Rich Silverstein (pt.2)

  • Campaigns are long-lasting. Don’t focus on a one-off. Think of ways that this idea can expand and grow.
  • Dogs or baby’s make campaigns way more successful.
  • Have a social mission attached to the brand. And back it up by action. It’s easy to advertise when you help a company with a greater cause.
  • Your portfolio is key. Make sure you work with people that align with your beliefs.
  • When pitching a client, start by talking about what they won’t see from you, but have probably heard from others. This will show them that you relate but are better.
  • Go above and beyond their expectations.

Leadership in Business — Bob Iger (pt.2):

  • Work hard to make something great. Perfectionism is key for success.
  • When doing market research, go and talk to consumers. And always listen to your gut.
  • Make sure the risks you take are calculated.
  • If you’re going to take a risk, do it boldly.
  • Be authentic, be honest, & never ever tell lies. Own your mistakes.
  • When you hire someone, look for three things: brains, energy, and integrity.
  • Foster creativity. Make sure your culture is one that promotes new and bold ideas.
  • Project optimism — when people know why they are doing something, they automatically become more invested in it.
  • Never accept mediocracy if there’s an opportunity to do better.

Week 2 is done & now on to week 3. Time flies by when you’re having fun :)

