It’s really just the only baseball movie where a boy DOESN’T cry.

My History of Feminism To Date

Adam Wright
Jin Derliss


1. You cannot play baseball.
2. You can play, but there is no crying in baseball.
3. That is absurd, of course there is crying in baseball. Who has not cried over baseball?
4. All the games are rigged against us. We’re so upset we’ve canceled practice to talk about it. We are confident this approach is not the cause of our consistent losses this season.
5. So… who won?

I imagine the sixth phase will involve those who focused on #5 sipping on champagne and openly celebrating the misery of those still stuck at #4. I call this stage “The Pennant.” (Like all stages of development, #4 is supposed to be painful and miserable — that’s what gets you to 5.)

Actually there’s a seventh phase I can’t stop dreaming about:

7. Who cares about baseball? The only thing that really matters is who died building the STADIUM.

