The Routine In Audio

Erwin Rodrigues
Published in
4 min readAug 18, 2020

The alarm buzz, the cacophony of traffic, the elevator’s ting, the morning pleasantries, the flutter of passing conversation, the thump of dumbbells, the cacophony of traffic, the myriad of accents from your favorite T.V. show and the finally: the gentle snores that accompany slumber. I can vaguely remember the sounds that accompanied my day from what seems like a distant past.

Now, a lot has changed and routines are different. My dining table? A workstation. My living room? A shrine for my plants and a workout spot. But one constant has kept me going: digital audio. There’s something about tuning in to Selena Gomez’s latest album and tapping my feet to that addictive beat that makes most moments just perfect. Or re-tuning into #NoFilterNeha to catch a giggle.

For me, digital audio has existed as a key to a gate that enables me to traverse to another world — especially during moments when the chatter from the group next to me, on the train ride to work, is distracting to my day-dreaming. Now?, I have no-one to blame in the past few months.

So, what happens to that album or podcast that acted as a sense of escape during the past few months?

It still does fulfill the payoff, don’t get me wrong, but in more diverse forms than I was previously aware of. I’ve learned, through much contemplation and observation, that my routine to audio has warped. From pure pop to now: a myriad of genres and emotions. This made me realize the new payoffs that digital audio fulfilled; particularly three -

1. Excitement

Cooking and cleaning have something in common — they’re mundane. I do not mean to take away from the fact that I enjoy both activities in a silo. Now, the silence that accompanies each is haunting. I find myself looking for playlists dedicated to each of these activities.

Thankfully, I’m not alone. Playlists dedicated to each have shot up — in quantum and engagement. Data suggests that audiences across the country believe that chores need a soundtrack to add that pizzaz. To me, I find my bout of excitement when I hit the chorus to Shalala Lala by the Vengaboys or when I do the shimmy while I pop that cake out of the oven as the Spice Girls shout zig-a-zig-ah. Nothing like a perfectly timed shimmy or cake.

My recommendation: Cooking Classics

2. Peace

Working/studying from home has become a drab for many. The clicks of the keyboard, the need for concentration, and burnout after — are all too familiar now. A quick elixir that’s proven effective are playlists that instantly place a pillow under my head and de-stresses my mind.

To me, I find a sliver of calm whilst streaming ghazals and classical music. Incidentally, both have grown exponentially as audiences flock toward peace. To add, playlists dedicated to focusing and concentration have been booming.

My recommendations: Best of Ghazals and Total Focus.

3. Energy

It’s no lie that some of us are trying to find the perfect workout routine to stay healthy. And sometimes, all the motivation we need is the perfect playlist that gets us pumped.

The good news is that workout jams are a hit across the nation.

I, for one, feel on top of the world after channeling my inner pop star.

My recommendation: Intense Workout

The Importance of Understanding New Routines

The truth is: my routine has evolved. Data suggests that I’m not alone. Millions of people across the country have adapted to a new routine.

In-sync, marketing has slowed down in the past 3 months with marketers struggling to find opportunities to talk to consumers. Personally, I would appreciate it if an advertiser understood my new routine and told me about the perfect baking tip as ready to plop that banana bread in the oven. To understand these new routines needs patience. Luckily I’ve got the perfect cheat sheet for you right here.

To get an in-depth view of prevalent streaming trends, I recommend this playbook. It’s great to know that my streaming patterns aren’t just me but millions across the country.



Erwin Rodrigues
Writer for

A passion for words, I’m constantly on the hunt for the next story that inspires and moves.