The young and talented — welcome to Jit Team!

Kasandra Stawska
Jit Team
Published in
4 min readMay 14, 2021

The word ‘investment’ by most of us would automatically be associated with money. For a few minutes, while you read this article, try to visualize ‘investment’ as putting in the time and effort to let the young and talented university students have a great start in the world of IT and their dream careers.

Our summer internship programs have been known to many. With the growth of the company, our internship programs are also getting more complex.

You’ve probably heard how difficult it is now for Juniors and people who want to just put the foot in the door and have a chance to acquire knowledge and make their first steps in the field they feel they would be good at. Every company is now or has always been looking mostly for seniors. Are we in Jit Team looking for senior developers? Well, of course we are, but at the same time, we are searching for great talents that need just a little bit of mentoring and time to become best at what they have always wanted to do — software development. How do we do that in the era of Covid-19, remote work, deserted offices and empty university classrooms? Read on, the story is a good one.

Getting to know each other in ‘the online’

We put a lot of thought to our recruitment process; candidate experience is something we definitely pay extra attention to. Technical and HR interviews completed by a talk with on of our English teachers aimed at verifying one’s level of English are Jit’s must-haves while recruiting a new employee. The process is swift, but thourough.

To make this process attractive and time-efficient, this year, we decided to organize an online event for all the candidates who would like to join this year’s summer internship program.

If you haven’t heard of Spatial Chat, you should fasten your seatbelts and be ready for to learn about a revelation. The future is here, guys, we might as well just accept that.

Spatial Chat is a great tool that allows you to plan online meetings, which truly resemble the face-to-face ones. As the organizer of an event, you can design the virtual space of the Chat to your liking. A great example would be the online integration party we held in Jit Team. During the pandemic, Jit Teach changed its headquarters, so actually not many people saw the new office space. Thanks to Spatial Chat, they were able to move around the new office in virtual reality. The tool lets you add many rooms — the users can switch between rooms and that’s how Jitters got to know the new office. Every person appears as a small avatar and the closer you put your avatar to other avatars, the more you can hear and the more you can socialize — just like in real life. We had a blast and nobody even left the house. This is just a little bit disturbing but to most of us — this was it, just what we needed — to see each other again in those crazy times!

We were so happy with Spatial Chat, that we decided to use it in a slightly different manner — to recruit our new interns! The candidates will be able to switch rooms to go through a few recruitment stages. They will also learn more about Jit — who we are and what we do — all in all, people who are just starting their career need to learn what IT really is first.

See? Even in such demanding times, we can quickly adjust the tools we need and the processes we have to complete to make sure everything goes according to the plan. Will this be the equivalent of face-to-face meetings? Obviously, the answer will be “no”, but it is the closest we can get to having recruitment meetings in our office. Just by observing what changes are being introduced in the world of remote work, we genuinely believe, this is the future. As a tech company, we are excited about taking every step that brings us closer to “the future”.

Talent spotting

We like to say that we have a knack for spotting great talents and making them amazing professionals. As you have probably assumed, having read this article, we have big expectations and hopes when it comes to employing and mentoring talented individuals — university graduates and people who decided to change their career paths. If you feel you could join our army of interns, contact us at:

We will let you know how our innovative recruitment event turned out! Look out for the second part of this story!

