7 Tips to Excel in Your First Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Competition!

Ben Abdelhafid
Published in
4 min readJun 28, 2024

Participating in your first Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu competition can be thrilling but nerve-wracking. Preparing adequately can significantly boost your confidence and performance.

This article shares seven essential tips to help you shine in your debut match, focusing on rules, preparation, strategy, and more.

1. Understand the Rules Thoroughly

Before stepping onto the mat, familiarize yourself with the competition rules. Different organizations might have variations in scoring and permissible techniques.

Knowing what moves are legal and how points are scored will prevent penalties and help you strategize effectively.

Attend rules meetings, ask questions, and study match videos from previous competitions to gain insights.

2. Prepare Physically and Mentally

Physical readiness is crucial, but don’t overlook mental preparation. Develop a conditioning routine that enhances your strength, agility, and endurance.

Mentally, techniques like visualization and meditation can be invaluable. Imagine yourself executing moves flawlessly and handling various match scenarios.

This mental rehearsal boosts confidence and reduces competition-day anxiety.

3. Master the Fundamentals

Solid fundamentals are your best tool in a competition.

Focus on perfecting basic positions, guards, and escapes. These are often more reliable under pressure than complex techniques.

Practice these fundamentals repeatedly with partners who provide realistic resistance, ensuring your techniques are effective against active opponents.

4. Develop a Game Plan

A straightforward game plan tailored to your strengths can significantly impact your performance.

Work with your coach to identify your most substantial positions and design strategies around them.

A well-thought-out game plan helps you control the pace and flow of the match, making it easier to manage unexpected situations.

5. Simulate Match Conditions

To reduce nerves on the big day, simulate competition conditions during training.

Arrange mock matches that mimic tournament settings, with referees, scorekeeping, and time limits.

This practice helps you adapt to the feel of a real competition, including managing the adrenaline rush and learning to perform under pressure.

6. Manage Your Weight and Diet

Proper weight management is vital.

Ensure you are in the suitable weight class without needing drastic last-minute cuts.

Adopt a balanced diet leading up to the competition to maintain energy levels and aid recovery.

Hydrate well and avoid heavy meals on competition day to keep your body at peak performance.

7. Stay Calm and Embrace the Experience

Finally, keep your nerves in check and embrace the competition as a learning experience. Use breathing techniques to stay calm.

Regardless of the outcome, each match is a step towards improvement.

Enjoy the journey and the unique thrill that competition brings.


Stepping into your first BJJ tournament is a milestone.

By following these tips, you’ll prepare effectively and enhance your chances of a memorable and successful competition experience.

Remember, every competitor starts somewhere, and each match is an opportunity to learn and grow.

Originally published at https://jiujitsuglory.com on June 28, 2024.

