How to set up a Raspberry Pi with Ubuntu from almost any device, completely headless, with just WiFi.

Jason Jurotich
9 min readMay 22, 2020


Setting up a Raspberry Pi completely headless (without a monitor or keyboard) really isn’t that complicated, but you do have to keep a few things in mind, especially if you plan on doing it multiple times.

I followed this process using a Raspberry Pi 3B+ but it should be the same for a 4B as well.

So, first, obviously, you should have one of those Raspberry Pi models. My suggestion is just to get the Rasperry Pi 4B 4GB model if you can, and second, you will need a Micro SD card, 8GB or above is just fine.

Next, you will need to download an image. I will be using Ubuntu for the Raspberry Pi, because it’s the most universal Linux operating system. You can also use Raspian, which is the original operating system, but this tutorial focuses on Ubuntu without a GUI (or the Ubuntu Server, which is essentially Ubuntu without a gui or graphical interface).

For this, we will be downloading the 64 bit version using Ubuntu 20.04 (which is the newest version of Ubuntu).

When you are done downloading that, you will have a file that ends in img.xy, but that type of file sometimes can’t be natively opened by certain devices (like Chromebooks), so, first we are going to use a website called…



Jason Jurotich

Masters in Philosophy, Author, Professor, Consultant, Tech Promoter and Programming Novice.