The Journey to 100

The pursuit of the Medium Partner Program

James Johnson
JJ Rants
2 min readDec 20, 2022


Where do I start? How often do I write? Will anyone follow me?

Writing on Medium is not without its challenges. Photo by Elisa Ventur on Unsplash

These were all genuine concerns I had when I began writing on this platform. Concerns and worries many, if not all new writers face on this platform.

Yet after two months, those concerns have dissipated. I’ve written 15 articles. I write 2–3 times a week. And as of today, I’ve inched over 100 followers.

It’s the magic mark. The milestone mark. The gateway to the Medium Partner Program. I can now make money for writing on this platform. It’s the beginning of a new chapter in my writing journey.

And it all happened in the blink of an eye.

So what does this matter to you?

Well, if an 18-year-old sport and travel-mad kid can make it to the big-time, you can too.

With a little bit of luck, some solid writing, engagement with other writers on the platform (THIS IS KEY!!!), and patience, you’ll make it to the MPP in no time.

It will be difficult. There may be times when you want to give up. But you’ll get there.

I understand how difficult it can be to get started. To gain a following. To keep your motivation, and continue to write. So in true festive season fashion, I want to help you out.

Use my comment section as a platform to connect and engage with other writers. Write whatever you want. Advertise your blog. Connect with others. Tell us a little bit about yourself.

It is so much easier to grow when we grow together. So don’t go on this journey alone. You’ll be made to regret it.

From little things, big things grow. Photo by Lubo Minar on Unsplash

I’ll take my time to read all your comments. I’m not going to go around aimlessly following you all. But if your content inspires or interests me, I’ll give you a follow. And let me tell you, there is A LOT that interests me.

I wish you all the best of luck in your writing journeys! I hope this article helps you out!

And to my first 100 followers…

Thank you!

We’re only just getting started!

I can’t wait to see what we can achieve together in the future!

Your destiny is in your own hands. Photo courtesy of the Author.



James Johnson
JJ Rants

1x Top Writer - Student | Swim Instructor | Tennis Coach | Sports & Travel Blogger