3 Steps for Small Business Success on Facebook

JJUMPP Software
Published in
5 min readJul 14, 2017

If you’re considering starting a company Facebook Page, or, if your Facebook page isn’t working like you’d want it, review these three steps for maximizing your success.

Step 1: Set Up a Complete Page

Like a Google Business Listing, the more complete your page is, the more customers will interact with it. You want to present a clear picture of your company. That includes information and branding. Let’s start from the beginning. After setting up your business with the right name and other identifying information, Facebook will give you two places to post a picture. One is a profile pic, and the other is a cover photo. Your profile pic should be your company logo. For your cover photo, we recommend a picture of your location, inside your store, or of your team. In short, present whatever side of your business you want customers to relate to.

The next section to fill out is the about section. Business pages contain so much information! Most of it is edited in the about section. If your map and basic contact information isn’t up to date, click edit page on the top right of the about screen. This will give you the option to update your name, categories, and a business description. Make sure you fill out a business description. This is an excellent way to promote your brand and service. You can also update your contact and website information, location and map, and hours. The more detailed your are the better! Consider entering a menu, personal information, awards, and any other worthwhile detail about your business

The Rest of the Page

You should also take the time to familiarize yourself with the rest of the business page. You can post status updates, photos, and videos directly to your wall, just like you would on a personal account. Some other notable features are messenger, reviews, and an action button. Messenger works just like Facebook Messenger would on a personal account. This time, however, customers are told how long it takes you to respond. Using this effectively will avail yourself to a younger audience.

The reviews page is a place for you to manage your reviews, just like you would on a Google Business Listing. Respond to each review and ask your friends and customers to review your business on Facebook to increase your star rating. Finally, the action button is a great way for your customers to take an immediate action. The action button is customizable by you. You can set it up to book a service, call or message, get a quote, learn more, shop now, and more. Essentially, whatever action you specifically want your customers to take, set up your button to do just that.

Step 2: Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads are one of the most effective ways to reach your audience. We could write an entire e-book on the subject, so this section will just give you a brief overview. First, Facebook Ads are relatively cheap. Prices vary by industry but in most cases, you could run a campaign for as low as $5. Be aware that promoted content and ads are two different things. Facebook will generally give you the option to “Boost” or “Promote” a post every time you add new content. These promotions will increase the visibility of your post to your target audience by adding it to the top of their feed. Ads, on the other hand, show up in different places on Facebook, depending on your choice. Ads don’t necessarily direct users back to your page. In fact, it’s a great practice to send people from the Facebook ad to a landing page or specific page on your website. You want their journey from ad to purchase to be as short as possible.

When creating an advertisement, Facebook will walk you through process to determine your goals. For example, you can choose whether you’re advertising for awareness, consideration, or conversion. Let’s say that my business needs more store visits. I could choose that in the conversion options. Facebook then takes you through a process of developing an offer, reaching a target audience, determining your placement, format and media, as well as your budget.

It’s crucial to track your ads. If you forget your ads are running, you may be running ads with no return on your investment. Over time, try split testing your ads. Run two and see which perform better! Then run two again. Over time, you’ll develop a strategy that consistently brings more traffic to your business.

Step 3: Use Analytics

Facebook knows the power of data. On your page, you can access what’s called “Insights” from the top menu. Insights will give you a detailed look at the success of your page, posts, and customer actions. You can measure post engagements, reach, actions, likes, views, and followers. You can also track the success of post boosts and promotions. For your ads, Facebook has another portal which specifically tracks the success of those. If you are directly people to visit your website, make sure your Google Analytics is set up. You can view the channels from which people enter your website, Facebook being one of them.

It Takes a Minute

Success on social media won’t come overnight. It may not even come in a few weeks. However, the more you put into it, the more you get out of it. Always be willing to reevaluate your efforts. To simplify this whole process, use the JJUMPP Springboard. You won’t find a more efficient way to manage your social media, website analytics, and other online visibility and data than through JJUMPP. We empower small business.

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JJUMPP Software

Control Your Online Presence. Empowering Businesses to know how and where they appear online.