Beachie Creek Fire Response

When I was reading this article, it made me sad and I truly felt that my heart was breaking for this family. I personally do not like reading articles like this. At first, it made my heartbreak for the father looking for his family but it hurts for the entire family. It made me cry while reading it and did not think that an article like that could make me cry. My sympathy goes to anyone who has to go through something like this and especially with what else is happening in the world as well. I think that I might use Facebook to get the story out so that there are more people who can see it and then ask what they can do to help. I would give the family some community resources that could help them as a food bank in their area that could help them with food or find other resources that could be useful for them. I am not going to assume but after having that tragic thing happen then there may be some trauma from it that they could get help from a therapist or someone like that but only if the family wants help from someone else. Even though it will likely take time to recover and heal from something like this. Also not only the family takes time but each individual takes their own time to heal and on their own time as well. I believe that eventually they will heal and recover but it sucks during this time that this happened to them.

