Common Sense or Censorship

Hate speech is absolutely not ok. Hate speech can ruin lives and has no reason for existing but it’s can also be hard to identify what hate speech is. Hate speech has a loose definition and it can be hard for social media sites to decide what to ban and what to not ban. There is a very fine line between hate speech and free speech and social media platforms risk serious backlash and possible fines if they ban something that could be considered free speech rather than hate speech. I think that rather than banning or removing certain posts, social media platforms should put warnings before a post that could be considered hateful. I think that censorship of the body should be much less controversial than hate speech though. People should be able to post photos of themselves and others as long as the person is not fully nude and honestly I think that social media platforms should allow fully nude posts as long as they have a warning before being able to view the post much like Reddit has a NSFW (Not Safe For Work) warning before posts.

