Forest Fires In Beachie Creek

My feelings about this story are very familiar. The word “gutted” is such a good way to describe this awful feeling in the pit of your stomach. All my life I have been blessed to never experience the many tragedies of forest fires. I’m not a religious person. However, after reading that story it made me want to pray for them anyway. If there is a god I hope he shares his/her/their strength with this family in need. To be honest, I’m having a hard time thinking how a person like me, could ease this family pain. Despite that, If I had all the resources in the world this is two things I would do. Firstly I would create a food bank resource near the community and market it online to the victims. This resource would be for people who have lost their homes and have nothing to eat. Secondly, I would create a community shelter. On top of providing food to those families, they also need shelter. So it would be vital to help as many people as possible on top of the Tofte family. I guarantee other individuals sadly experienced this sadness around the area. Hopefully, resources like this are being created to help those in need.

