How Social Media Platforms Are Handling This Election

Megan Buyck
JMS 215 Social Media Storytelling
2 min readNov 10, 2020

In all honestly, I’d fail every platform with the way they are handing the content being put out during this time of the election. Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook are all over saturated at the moment with political posts, election related content and conspiracy theories about the recent vote.

After Election Day, accusations quickly arose about voter fraud and the possibility that ballots are being tampered with, duplicated, hidden and many other things are being thrown around. What are social media platforms doing about that? Well, we see President Trump himself tweeting about it all which lead to Twitter censoring his tweets with a message appearing over top of his posts saying that it is likely that the contents of the post “…might be misleading about an election or other civic process”. It could very well be misinformation, I’m not denying that. However, my problem with it all is, is that there is so much being put out there that at this point how is anyone to know what is accurate information and what is misinformation. How can Twitter decide that Trump’s tweets were the ones spreading misinformation? Why are they so quick to shut down the possibility of voter fraud and a possible corrupt election?

It’s all ridiculous! I’m not sure if all the contradicting content is being put out there as a distraction and to confuse everyone of the truth or not, but if so, it’s working because I could not tell you what the truth is. In my opinion, social media is not being used for good at this time. I mean, what kind of story is all of this telling? If social media is about telling stories and communicating, I wouldn’t say any of the media being put out about the election and the vote is well communicated. And if anything, the story is about how divided, persecuting, and power seeking our culture has become. It is quite sad. What a time that will go down in History.

