JMS 215 Post 4

Brianna Diamond
JMS 215 Social Media Storytelling
1 min readSep 20, 2020

After watching the video, I thought it was cute and light-hearted. I do believe that it was a fun way to spread a message without it being someone who just seems angry and demands people to wear their masks throughout the entire video. Obviously, towards the end of the video, Paul Rudd was demanding people to wear their mask and got a little angry, but it wasn’t like that through the whole video and it did not ruin the tone of the message. I thought it was funny to see Paul Rudd try to say things like how the younger generation does and it was like watching a dad trying to fit in with his kid’s friends, especially using TikTok references and his own meme reference. I do not know how effective this video will actually be, because at the end of the day there are still stubborn people who will refuse to wear their masks, no matter what age and what videos they have seen. I also did not get the vibe that the message was like a Boomer lecturing a particular group of people, probably because I don’t see Paul Rudd as a boomer, but as a middle-aged man telling people to wear a mask, by using societies lingo and popular media choices. Over all, I liked the video and the message and I thought it was silly and definitely something I would possibly share on my own social media sites.

