JMS 215 Prompt 2

Brianna Diamond
JMS 215 Social Media Storytelling
2 min readSep 6, 2020

I am always to be the first person to be skeptical about new social media tools. I always turn my nose to them when they first come around, however I sometimes come around and end up using the tools way more than I thought I would. One example are Instagram stories. I thought it was such a copycat of Snapchat and I remember refusing to use them. However, I now look forward to my favorite influencer’s Instagram stories everyday and I actually post to my own Instagram stories way more than I do to my Snapchat story.

One new Instagram tool I do plan on using is possibly the IG Reels. I love posting my 1 Second Everyday video at the end of the year, and when IGTV came it, out was perfect for my videos that are a little bit longer than three minutes. The new IG Reels are shorter, and I really want to find stuff to post on there. I like taking little videos when I’m with friends or out doing something fun, so maybe this could be a new way for sharing those videos with my friends and random followers. I could also see myself getting more creative by adding in music and possibly graphics. Also, these videos may get more traffic than if I posted it on TikTok, due to my preexisting followers.

However, I do not plan on using Twitter audios or Facebook Rooms anytime soon. I personally, hate my video voice, and I didnt even know Twitter audio was a thing until this assignment. I don’t see any real reason to use it and quite frankly, a normal video seems to get the job done. I also don't plan on using Facebook Rooms. I’m not a huge fan of Facebook, I just have one to see what pictures or accomplishments my grandmother and parents posts about me and to see the restaurant that I work at daily specials before I go in for my shift. The tool seems very similar to Skype or FaceTime, so I would rather just use those platforms instead. But who knows I may end up using both and think about what I did before these tools came out.

