On Censoring Fat Bodies

One of the biggest problems that social media faces in regards to censorship; which bodies deserve censorship. Plus size women are the ones who face the brunt of censorship.

Women's bodies are sexualized, but plus-size women’s bodies are seen as pornographic. They face more scrutiny online than other women. Breasts are so heavily sexualized in America, that women with bigger breasts have no way to escape a sexualized gaze. Sometimes, boobs are just boobs. Women with bigger breasts have to be conservative with their clothing choices if they don’t want that attention on their bodies.

Instagram is guilty of removing photos of plus-sized women’s photos for ‘explicit’ content. Instagram is guilty of being complacent in the sexualization of plus-sized women’s bodies. Rather than go against the status quo, they conform and take down these photos of women.

Skinnier women, on the other hand, don’t face this censorship to the same extent. Women who are thin get more freedom online to post their bodies and aren’t policed in the same way plus-sized women are.

Hailey Clauson’s Sports Illustrated Cover
Ashley Graham’s Sports Illustrated Cover

Hailey Clauson’s Sports Illustrated cover pictures her with no bikini top on while Ashley Graham’s pictures her with bikini top. Graham got way more attention in this photoshoot than the other models pictured. Graham got this attention because she is considered a plus-sized model.

Instagram’s censorship policy only reflects the current public stance on women’s bodies. Instagram should take a stronger stance on women’s bodies and treat fat and skinny women the same. Fat women shouldn’t be punished for existing online. Fat women should not be expected to censor themselves more than other women.

