Post 2

JMS 215 Social Media Storytelling
4 min readOct 11, 2020

There is not a whole lot that I would like to change about my story. I think that the exhibit itself will be telling of P.O.C culture. I think the biggest revision that I would like to make for my story would be the people that I would interview. After hearing feedback, I think I would spend the most time talking to the curators. I think they could have access to so much information behind how the exhibit was introduced to the museum and why this exhibit is so important for people to see. I think it could be important to distinguish why the DAM decided to show this art and not others. Depending on who I am able to speak to, if they have the connections to forward me to someone who is in charge of permitting the art, they could give answers as to why this exhibit is so important, and not just for people, but for the city of Denver.

I would like to get more information on the curator’s relationship with Kahlo and the other Mexican modernists. I think I can still interview some of the exhibit goers, however, I will not base my entire project on them. I think it could be very beneficial to find out more of the intention behind the exhibit. I think it would be cool to even narrow down the exhibit, and with the curators help, I could focus on 5–6 (only an estimate) pieces, or even one from each artist, and introduce why it could potentially be their most famous work. I think it would be neat to center my story around how I can introduce these modernists to the public — and based off curator’s knowledge, my own research from what the artists have said, as well as using a media like Instagram, I think I can sell the artwork. I think it would be more valuable to show people the specific thing that makes these artists great, rather than show many. I think that even though many artists have various works that make them great, I think in order to sell it to an audience, the focus needs to be on finding one great piece that could represent the whole, because people get bored easily and overwhelmed when too much is thrown at them at one time. People who care will continue finding what else they want to see. However, for the people who are more “one and done,” straight to point, highlighting the best piece which, with only one piece, can hopefully create a sense enamor for the artist. I’d like to create something that someone only needs to see once for them to fall in love.

I will include work from more than just Kahlo and Rivera because that is the point of the exhibit. I think Kahlo and Rivera are major influences on Mexican modernism, but they are also the selling point for the museum. I think, like the museum, I’ll use those two as a platform for introducing the other artists, and then I can use Instagram to create a time line (TL) of how it could have started with Kahlo and Rivera, and we can see how in all these others it has flourished. I have this idea in my head of Kahlo and Rivera’s piece being black and white, and the other art being in full color to symbolize the idea that the two main modernists gave their “color,” their ideas to others in which they were able to be influences, thus creating something of their own. I could use the Kahlo and Rivera to start the story, and then the rest of the TL story could be various images with keynote text on the image, or I could simply show the story, then use the actual Instagram page to show the pictures and in the captions give all of the information. I think it would be neat to tweet “#quickfacts” about the art if I can acquire one for each piece.

Assuming I am understanding, I think Nextdoor could be an effective marketing platform for the museum. I could use the presentation of the art to help advertise for the museum. If I can, I could even talk to the curators about what will be of the museum in the future to tempt people to visit later on. I would still like to spend time examining the reactions of the museum attendees, be it employees or not, and even snagging at least one quote for each image. I think that is so essential because they are the ones who are viewing the art. It is for them. It is in those quotes where one will see if the influence, or purpose of the exhibit was a success or a bust.

I am waiting on a response from the museum to find out which department can best assist me.

