Responding to Kim’s Keto Diet Story

Megan Buyck
JMS 215 Social Media Storytelling
2 min readOct 25, 2020

I think this is a great story to tell through social media. I know it will inspire so many. I also personally know someone who had much success and awesome results from the diet so I have seen that it works.

As far as suggestions to further your story, I think it would be really interesting to hear about some other diet programs and why Keto may or may not be superior when compared to those programs. I think you could definitely talk with about that with the nutritionist that you’ll be interviewing. I know you mentioned that everyone is different and one thing might work very well for one, but not for another. So definitely take that into account through your story and maybe include why Keto may work for one, but not another. Is there specific body types or genetics that make for a more successful weight loss journey through Keto? Does being male or female make a difference? I’d love to know more about that through your story. Another thing you could touch on in your story is how diet programs could lead to toxicity, unhealthy mental health and a damaging thought life. While I see diets as a very transforming journey for many, that transformation can’t always come with ease.

Overall, it’s very brave and inspiring of you to share your personal experience with the diet and weight loss and I believe that will make the story that much more powerful. I like your idea of doing your live element on facebook about tips when doing Keto and think that’ll be very valuable and important information to share throughout this story. I’m excited to follow your story and learn through your perspective and experience! Good luck Kim!

