Video-Sharing Service

JMS 215 Social Media Storytelling
1 min readSep 20, 2020

I rewatched the video a couple of times because I wanted to see if what I was thinking changed after but it didn’t. This video story gets to a point but not in the way that people think could be helpful to young people. Like there could have been other ways for it to be portrayed that young people would have taken into account. I think that this video is not helpful. It is singling out the younger people who are not wearing a mask in the early twenties. Singling out a specific group can work but at the same time can backfire and make it worse. As a young person, I saw this and I was like I don’t like this and it is coming to the young people and that is not fair. As a society, we got to give some credit to some of the people following what is being said. I can see this as being funny or mean by seeing that it is making fun how the younger people act in a way and it could eventually hurt someone’s feelings. To be completely honest, the first time watching the video definitely felt like a lecture from someone who is older than me and telling me what to do. I know most young people would not listen to someone like that.

