Weekly post 12

The controversy surrounding TikTok and president Trump has been ongoing for months. Trump declared that he was going to shut down the app numerous times, and similar to his other threats, nothing happened with it. Even with a new set of progress yesterday with Bytedance not being in charge of the app anymore, users probably won’t see any change. Tiktokers around the US were worried that this meant the end of their favorite app, but this was another hollow threat from Trump.

I can’t deny and I am not ashamed to say that I hate Donald Trump with a passion. I understand that the security of the American people and our data is important, however, it felt off base to be focusing on TikTok and the company that runs it when there is a pandemic that he has completely ignored and caused the death of 240,000 people in the US. The priorities of the president have seemed off since the beginning of his presidency, and his most infamous claim to build a wall at our southern border was not as glorious as he and his campaign wanted it to be. It does not surprise me at all that TikTok won’t be removed from the app store, because the president makes threats and promises that he cannot go through with.

The government does have a duty to protect its people, especially if the threat of a data breach is coming from another country, however it didn’t seem like the best priority to talk about a social media over a global pandemic.



Quinn Hodge
JMS 215 Social Media Storytelling

University of Northern Colorado Journalism. Music lover. Camping. Reading. Watching.