Weekly Post 4

Mia Olivas
JMS 215 Social Media Storytelling
1 min readSep 20, 2020

I found the Paul Rudd PSA to be funny, but not particularly helpful. The attempted and excessive use of modern Internet slang was amusing, and I have no idea what was up with his skater outfit. However, I think he is after the wrong generation. He claimed his message was to Millennials, but then used tactics to appeal to Generation Z. I can’t say I know of any Millenials who actually use words like “Yeet” or “Dank” in a normal conversation. All Millennials are now adults, and if he was actually trying to reach them, I don’t think this was the best way to go about it. I personally see the humor in the message, but I do feel like if the goal was to reach a certain generation, making fun of the way they speak and behave is likely not the most effective way to achieve this goal. I am also unsure of how effective a PSA like this is to begin with. Most everyone who is intelligent and practical enough to wear a mask is regularly wearing one by now. And for the people who are not wearing masks, if scientists and the government cannot convince them to wear a mask, I don’t think that a video of Ant-Man with a skateboard is going to either.

