Weekly Post 6

Kendrick Trujillo
JMS 215 Social Media Storytelling
1 min readOct 4, 2020

These complex situations are hard to understand. As a third party, It is hard to know the deeply rooted dynamics of this family. As an outsider, this looks like an unfortunate circumstance that happened to an innocent child that deserves more. In my mind, if you choose to go through the adoption process you need to do everything in your power to take care of their needs. Yes, I am aware that they’re obstacles and challenges that the family must overcome. but you should never give up. If it was her biological children, I can’t help but wonder how would they handle this situation differently. I think the family could’ve handled this situation more responsibility. Ideally, I hope Huxley got the help he needed. If their intention turns out to be awry, I can only pray for them. I can’t possibly imagine why a person will use children to boost viewership and monetary gain.

